About the Workshops

Stepping Into Wholeness

Stepping Into Wholeness is a series of workshops designed to bring about greater emotional intelligence, connection and compassion for each person who attends. The work begins when the client agrees to show up, especially if this a new experience for the person. Often the client feels some anxiety or tension about coming, and that’s to be expected. Doing anything new can be stressful, especially when the content encourages vulnerability and openness.

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The actual SIW (Stepping Into Wholeness) workshop series begins in the large community where participants begin joining, getting acquainted and reducing anxiety. When clients begin to see and connect to others and find similarities in their stories, the tension lowers. Emotional safety starts to form through a series of therapist lead activities, with “permission to pass” always being one of the options. In addition to creating safety, the theme of the workshop is demonstrated thru experiential psycho-education. This is where the idea of what has historically or currently prevented a person from being whole gets explored. We show how mental illness, addiction, trauma and/or ineffective coping skills prevent us from feeling our feelings and experiencing compassion and connection to our selves and others.  We also show what it looks like to Step Into Wholeness and live in (or move towards) the solution.

How does this work? Seeing, feeling and experiencing how this work exceeds all explanation of how to do a relationship. If I try and explain how to do a cart wheel, using words, I will most likely lose my audience. Yet if I show someone how to do a cart wheel, something completely different happens in the brain. When I show someone, offer to spot or assist in doing a cart wheel, that will be a completely different experience, hopefully a success without injury. This is how, where, and why participating in Stepping Into Relationship and Family is so beneficial. You’ll have a chance to see how skillful communication, relevant and effective tools transcend into greater connection and understanding. There will be therapists in the room to assist and help you experience your relationships differently without injury to yourself or your partner/family member. Through trial and error, repetition and more guidance we get better and better at speaking our truth and talking about what we need.

A person can experience in 2.5 days what might otherwise take 10 or more weekly sessions to achieve. In addition,

·      Experience support and connection in a healing environment.

·      Integrate intimacy, trust and intention with self and others.

·      Experience healing from shame and unworthiness.

Registration Information

Stepping into You and Stepping into Relationship & Family are our primary two programs of the Stepping into Wholeness Workshop Series. Go to our workshop calendar here to register and see our upcoming events!

Registration information varies by event. You can look for upcoming events by checking our calendar.

Pre-registration screening required.